June 5th 1895. Bernard S. Machado donates 1.5 acres as a site for a one-room school.
Fall 1895. Classes begin.
1910. A second room was added.
May 18, 1967. Old school closed for failing to meet earthquake standards. Children moved to a portable building on the site behind the old school.
1967-1976. Old school abandoned and used for storage.
1976. Incorporation of the Machado School Heritage Society.
1979. Restoration begins after receiving a $30,000 grant from the State.
May 21, 1983. Restoration completed and Machado School is dedicated as a historical site.
January 2003. Children removed from the portable because of a well failure.
Present. The old school building is still maintained as a community center by the Machado School Heritage Society. A new portable building was installed in the summer of 2004.